Bill Bice is a programmer at heart. At 18, he created ProLaw Software, the first integrated ERP for law firms. After selling the company to Thomson Reuters, Bill became a VC as a founding partner in the Verge Fund, investing in high tech, high growth companies in the southwest. Bill has grown and invested in 27 companies, and one of the core things he’s learned is that the go-to-market is always the hardest part of growing a business. Frustrated by trying to get great marketing for his companies, he decided to tackle the problem, and founded boomtime, which approaches marketing as a technology problem, and uses data driven approaches to create marketing strategies to help businesses grow.
What the data revealed was that great marketing came from the in-the-trenches, day-in-day-out work. That’s why boomtime built the world’s first marketing-as-a-service platform: fuse. boomtime’s marketing strategists follow the data: instead of reinventing the wheel, boomtime applies proven marketing techniques at scale.
Erin Barrio is a Marketing Strategist at boomtime, and met Bill while working as the Communications Manager for the Verge Fund, where Bill is a founding partner. Together, Bill and Erin will provide insights on how to grow your business with the one form of marketing that really works: word of mouth.
Links/References mentioned in this episode:
- John Wanamaker quote:
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