Personalize Your LinkedIn Profile URL

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LinkedIn is the ultimate networking event. It’s the perfect place to make connections and build the right audience to grow your business. I recommend sharing your LinkedIn profile left and right – always be networking.

However, the default link, or URL, for your LinkedIn profile will look something like this:

Customizing your LinkedIn URL makes it look much better and makes it easier to share. For example, mine is:

Need help creating your custom LinkedIn URL? We’ve put together instructions to walk you through the process.

Customize your LinkedIn Profile URL:

  1. Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Click View profile.
  3. Click Edit public profile & URL on the right rail.
  4. Under Edit your custom URL in the right rail, click the Edit icon next to your public profile URL.
    • You will see an address that looks like
  5. Type the last part of your new custom URL in the text box.
  6. Click Save.

Some helpful things to know:

  • Your custom URL can have 5-30 letters or numbers. You cannot use spaces, symbols, or special characters. I recommend using a variation of your name and/or your professional brand to make it more recognizable.
  • Custom profile URLs are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so make sure you get yours set up now. You can also only have one custom public profile URL at a time.

Now that you’ve created your custom profile URL, add it to the signature block of your emails. Have every customer-facing employee in your business do this, too, so any contact you correspond with can easily find their LinkedIn profiles.

Now that your custom profile URL is set, it’s time to finish optimizing your LinkedIn profile. An optimized profile means you’ll get the most out of networking on LinkedIn. We’ve optimized hundreds of profiles and know what works.

All the best,

Bill Bice

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